
Showing posts from August, 2014

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essay on Jacket2

An essay I've been making notes towards for the best part of two years has now seen the light of day courtesy of Jacket2 , the online journal of contemporary poetry and poetics associated with PennSound and the Kelly Writers House at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Titled 'Monoculture beer no more: other poetries from Ireland' , it aims to offer an interrogation of the territorial concerns of the vast majority of the poetry coming out of Ireland, and a discussion of emerging avant-garde tendencies brought about by political discontent and driven by poets and editors/curators straddling linguistic & national divisions. I like to think that the effect of the article having been written over a period of time is akin to that of long-exposure photography: in addition to capturing individual items it also records time. In it I discuss, link to and/or quote from the work of (among others) Catherine Walsh, AnamarĂ­a Crowe Serrano, Dylan Harris, Kit Fryatt a...

Chances Are on 3:AM Magazine

My mass collaboration poem 'Chances Are' is now live on 3:AM Magazine . very proud to publish @c_makris brilliant "Chances Are" on @3ammagazine a truly inventive conceptual widgettweet poem — Steven J Fowler (@stevenjfowler) August 9, 2014 "... it involves embedding the HTML code for a Twitter widget bringing up a feed with all tweets that include the word "chance". I have the code - the idea is to present it as it is as a 'conventional' poem in the new book, along with instructions to go to a specific web page for an online application of it. There's currently around 100 tweets per minute feeding through, so the poem gets constantly updated, and fast, by everybody/anybody (knowingly or not) and is in effect never the same twice."