Issue 3 of gorse , edited by Susan Tomaselli [ my editorial contribution begins from No. 4, due out in September] and with cover art once again by Niall McCormack, is now out. Copies can be ordered directly , while the journal is also available through selected bookshops . The issue will be launched on Wednesday 15 April at The Workman's Club ( The Vintage Room ), 18 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2, with readings from Cal Doyle, Darragh McCausland, Paula McGrath and Michael Naghten Shanks. Below is the full list of contents - with links to selected previews: [Editorial] Whale in the Moon When It’s Clear [Interview] ‘At Home in the Unheimlich,’ Deborah Levy by Andrew Gallix [Essays] ‘Initiations: On Grisey’s Music’ by Liam Cagney ‘A Writer’s Guide to the Dialectical Landscapes of Dublin’ by Therese Cox ‘Four Bridges/Four Exercises in Re-Construction’ by Adrian Duncan ‘A Fine House, The Irish Their Bungalows’ by Oliver Farry ‘Stasis’ by Ian Maleney ‘The Cardina...