
Showing posts from July, 2024

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Recent Press (Part II): Poetry People (RTÉ Radio) / Business Post / Dublin Inquirer / Books Ireland

As well as making work for books and other publication formats, my practice extends to performance and other modes of presentation, while my editorial and curatorial activities operate in tandem with my creative work feeding and influencing each other. Following on from the first part of this double post, which rounded up recent responses to my published work , below I log some press on my curated exhibition Is this a poem?  - whose run at Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI) I'm happy to report has been extended to 22 September 2024 - and of the premiere of 'Press Play,' a collaborative cross-disciplinary composition and performance relating to Ireland's housing crisis. * On 7 April 2024, the inaugural episode of the radio programme Poetry People on Ireland's state broadcaster RTÉ Radio One included a segment called 'What is Poetry?' For this segment, prompted by the advent of Is this a poem? , the show's producers commissioned a short essay from Museum

Recent Press (Part I): Stride Magazine / The Stinging Fly / Long Poem Magazine / 'The Greece That Hurts'

I'm grateful for attention my work continues to receive from other poets and writers, reviewers and editors, essayists and academics. I'm especially pleased when this is not confined to discussions of the most recent book, but extends to the broader arc of my practice, giving a multifaceted and cumulative reading of it. This is Part One of a two-part post rounding up some commentary that appeared over the first half of 2024. It focuses on reviews and essays on my books or other published work. Part Two ( coming soon now available here ) will log coverage of activities of mine that extend beyond print publishing. * On 11 January 2024, UK-based  Stride Magazine published a review of  Contemporaneous Brand Strategy Document (Veer Books, 2023) which I was happy to note given the attention Stride gives to poetry from small presses and in broadly experimental modes, and especially since in the past the magazine published one of the most comprehensive reviews of my third book this