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Cadences Vol 5

Cadences is a journal of literature and the arts published annually by the Department of Humanities at the European University of Cyprus.
From the editorial statement: "Writers in Cyprus think, feel and express themselves in several languages, Greek, Turkish and English being three of the most prominent. Cadences is a bridge between them, a meeting point at which writers of the diverse communities of the island may find each other, and learn from their encounters with difference."
Volume 5, published last month, is largely dedicated to the work of Yiannis Ritsos, the year 2009 being the centenary of his birth. It features some of his original poems in Greek along with translations in Turkish; responses to his poems by contemporary Cypriot writers, in English and in Greek; and the winning poems from an islandwide schools competition dedicated to Ritsos.
But the issue also features original work. Included in it is my poem 'Nicosia Journal', which is a sequence in nine parts recording the varying responses of an adult emigrant during a pivotal return to the place of his childhood and youth.
Cadences Vol 5 is available to order from Moufflon Bookshop.


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