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Southword 17

Issue 17 of Southword, published by the Munster Literature Centre, is now online. This is the second issue to appear exclusively online, and it features poetry contributions from (among others) Greg Delanty, Geraldine Mitchell, Valzhyna Mort, Gerry Murphy, Conor O'Callaghan, Billy Ramsell and Gerard Smyth. Its short fiction section includes the Sean O'Faolain competition winning entries. There are also John Minihan's photographs from the Frank O'Connor Festival and a section of reviews and criticism.

The issue also features my poem 'Dubious Words'. Within the whole Plath/Hughes mythology, Assia Wevill's voice has been largely muted. A recent biography tried to rectify this. It also suggested to me the use of the voice of Wevill's daughter for this poem, which in the end can't get away from reservations about its own existence.

Southword 17 will be launched at the Irish Writers' Centre in Dublin on Tuesday 15 December. There will be readings by contributors, while the website will be projected onto a screen. Start time is 7pm.


Enjoyed this poem Chris, always interested in anything Hugplath.

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