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Subscribe to Wurm...

Kit Fryatt of Wurm im Apfel writes:

Wurm gets no money at all from official sources. Arts Council, Poetry Ireland, nada. They've been generous in the past; I'm grateful. It's a rotten time for arts funding; nobody has it easy. Wurm is a pretty cost-effective operation though -- a couple of hundred euro will keep us going for the rest of the year and into 2011. So here's the deal:

You become a subscriber, a Wurmfreund as it were, and in exchange for 50 euro to those in gainful employment, 20 euro to students & those on fixed or low incomes (no means test) -- you'll get an acknowledgement on the website (undergoing redevelopment as we speak) free copies of Wurm Press publications until 2012, a piece of stylish Wurmwear, and that fuzzy, faintly Medici-ish feeling attendant on becoming a patron of the arts. Donations of any amount can be sent by Paypal to, or you can register as a Wurmfruend at any Wurm event. Do pass the info on to anyone else you think might be interested.

Here's why you should:

- it's the only regular poetry event in Dublin that makes a point of inviting poets who write in various experimental and modernist-influenced idioms. We're different.
- We're internationalist in outlook
- it's a paying market for poets, and all money goes to poets' fees and costs. There are few enough of these as there is; and funding cuts mean they're getting even rarer
- events are free, and are staying that way
- publications forthcoming include chapbooks by the delightfully up-and-coming Ronan Murphy and the securely established Harry Gilonis. Wurm Press will publish the first English translation of Astrid Lampe's Mosselman Hallo in 2011 (you'll also get Astrid's chapbook bilingual Hello Hallo if you haven't already got it).
- we are of course, not evil... not-for-profit, I mean
- you'll be helping to fund Wurmfest 2.0, Dublin's only modernist poetry festival

Thanks! hope you'll consider it; message or email me if you need any more info:

Love & verse,



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