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POST III: Poetry at the Games

The Irish Centre for Poetry Studies at the Mater Dei Institute in Dublin has published the third issue of its online journal POST. Edited by Michael Hinds, POST III: Poetry at the Games is devoted to links between poetry and sports or games, and as such it includes among others a survey of poetry inspired by chess, a (largely) pictorial essay on the poetics of horse racing, a study of sport in the work of Brendan Kennelly, and an examination of the appearance of the word 'bikini' in Ezra Pound's Cantos.

POST is subtitled a review of poetry studies, and is therefore of an academic/scholarly nature. But in addition to essays and reviews it often features original poetry: derek beaulieu's visual poem-games appear throughout this issue, while my sequence 'Masculine Biography Vol 1' (from Spitting Out the Mother Tongue) is also included, introduced in the editorial as "describing a personal history in World Cup-termed fragments".


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