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Litany of the City and Other Poems, by Karl Parkinson

As might be expected from the work of a poet active in Dublin's spoken word scene, Litany of the City displays a neo-beat, incantatory quality throughout, often slipping into something like prayer. But unlike much work thriving in performance, Karl Parkinson's poems translate to print with their power undiluted. There's relish for the complexity of language, sending the poet into reveries that produce ecstatic visions; and there's unwavering faith in the power of the poet as seer, truth-speaker and healer. In the titular sequence particularly, some of the disturbing realities of contemporary Dublin are put under stark light - with the poet in sympathy with those neglected by the powers-that-be.

Litany of the City and Other Poems, by Karl Parkinson, is now available from Wurm Press. A launch, with an introduction from Dave Lordan and including an open-mic session, takes place this coming Wednesday 4 September 2013 at McGrattan's Bar, Baggot Street, Dublin 2. 8pm start.


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