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Poets Live in Paris

Poets Live is Paris' foremost anglophone poetry reading series. Established by Dylan Harris in 2010 and currently curated by Pansy Maurer-Alvarez, it takes place monthly and offers "an eclectic range of English-language poetry, all styles and tastes, instream and outstream, from the anglophonie, from outside the anglophonie..." Previous featured poets include Jerome Rothenberg, Trevor Joyce, Zoë Skoulding, Harry Mathews, Alice Notley and Carol Watts among others.

I'm very happy to be featuring in the November 2014 edition along with Freke Räihä, as well as Paris-based Carole Birkan and Will Cox. The date is Tuesday 4 November and the venue is Carr’s Pub, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris (Métros: Tuileries or Concorde). The organisers advise: "drinks at the bar from whenever you like, poetry starts downstairs at 19:30." Admission is free.


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