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Winter Warmer festival 2014

Ó Bhéal’s 2nd Winter Warmer festival takes place this coming Friday and Saturday 21-22 November in Cork City, and I'm very happy to be taking part in it.

More than twenty poets - also including Eleanor Hooker, Astrid Alben, Máighréad Medbh, TemperMental MissElayneous, Sarah Clancy, Ailbhe Ní Ghearbhúigh, Alan Jude Moore and Paula Meehan - will be reading/performing in the amphitheatre at Sample Studios, some of whom will be accompanied by musicians. There will also be poetry-focused comedy games, poetry-theatre, a selection of poetry-films from around the world, and a closed-mic for ten local poets.

I'm scheduled to read on Saturday, in a session that starts at 3.30pm and also features Ciarán MacArtain (with Michael O’Callaghan) and Simon Ó Faoláin.

All events are free admission.


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