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Review of The Architecture of Chance on The Bogman's Cannon

A generous review of my book The Architecture of Chance appeared last week on The Bogman's Cannon - an independent hub of literature and opinion pioneered by Dave Lordan and facilitated by a network of editors including the reviewer, Joe Horgan.

Horgan's reading of the book begins with an architectural/city planning definition of the term 'desire paths' and leads to the view that "[Christodoulos Makris] has gone in to the city and carved out a series of desire paths that make this idiosyncratic collection a hugely refreshing work." He deems the work in it to be "wonderfully breaking free of the Irish tradition" and states among other things that "Makris ... treats the reader with the intelligence they deserve ... as he pins together the flotsam and jetsam of modern, urban life" and that the book "is one of the most interesting Irish collections I have come across in a long time."

Horgan reviews The Architecture of Chance alongside a pamphlet by Erin Fornoff, noting the incidence of "voices ... originating elsewhere but distilled here" and finding them "most cheering." My thanks to him for the attention to the book, and to The Bogman's Cannon for the interest in and support of my work.


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