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gorse No. 6

Issue 6 of gorse is now out.

It features original essays from Dylan Brennan, Liam Cagney, Dominique Cleary, Lauren Elkin, Oliver Farry, Daniel Fraser, Thomas McNally and Joanna Walsh; new fiction from Gavin Corbett, Lauren de Sa Naylor, John Holten, Bridget Penney and David Rose; an interview with Geoff Dyer by Rob Doyle; and an Irish language section (edited by new Irish language editor Aifric Mac Aodha) with work from Simon Ó Faoláin & Colm Ó Ceallacháin.

Poetry in gorse No. 6 comes from long-time contributor SJ Fowler in the form of 'Estates', four cross-referencing, border-hopping poems; recent work from Aodán McCardle representing reflections on a year's worth of language use and images encountered on various media; four new pieces by Julie Morrissy taken from a book-length work-in-progress; and three original poems in the Galician by Chus Pato, accompanied by translations from Keith Payne.

Susan Tomaselli's editorial 'Je est un autre' revolves around Borges and notions of identity. It includes an extract - a translation of a sentence from a short story by Borges - from artist Katie Holten's book About Trees, which is itself written in trees - a new typeface Holten made especially for the project.

The cover image is once again by award-winning designer Niall McCormack.

gorse No. 6 is available to order directly from our web shop.


Please join us for the issue launch on Thursday 25 August in The Liquor Rooms (5 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2) with readings by Dominique Cleary, Gavin Corbett and Julie Morrissy. Start time is 7pm and admission is free.


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