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SAH Journal Vol 3 No 2

I have two new poems made of fragments from unauthored commentary on media articles relating to 1/ terrorism and 2/ refugees in the latest issue of SAH Journal.

Studies in Arts and Humanities (SAH) is an open-access magazine published both in print and online, based in the library at Dublin Business School. It is an interdisciplinary academic collaboration whose concern is with social, political and cultural practices in the context of mapping transformations in contemporary society. SAH’s contributors oppose forging disciplinary limits in an attempt to establish experimental spaces for critical dialogue.

Vol 3 No 2 of SAH Journal focuses on the theme of 'Minorities'. It also includes poetry from Nithy Kasa, Jennifer Matthews and Nita Mishra, as well as articles on endangered languages, Māori rights in New Zealand, the Roma and Irish Travelling communities, and more.

My thanks to Patrick Chapman for the invitation to contribute to the issue.


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