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Documentary Poetics at ILFDublin 2018

Documentary Poetics - a performance for International Literature Festival Dublin 2018
Boys School, Smock Alley Theatre
6.00pm, Wednesday 23 May
Tickets: €5.00

I'm excited to be taking part in this ILFDublin event alongside Jonathan Mayhew, an artist living and working between Dublin and Göteborg and supported by the Arts Council of Ireland. Jonathan and I have both made extensive use of appropriative/erasure strategies in our work, and share an interest in digital communication and personas.

Full event description below:

With writing and reading our primary mode of communication, with text superabundant and increasing at an exponential rate, and our consumption and production of it happening in the same medium, the implication of digital technologies on the literary arts is profound but as yet underexplored. Christodoulos Makris and Jonathan Mayhew have used appropriative writing strategies extensively to make poetry and artworks steeped in contemporary language use, with a documentary strand as well as commentary on the ubiquity of digital communication embedded in their work. Join them for a presentation of poetic texts made out of material that already exists through a process comprising selection, framing and editing decisions.



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