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States of Flux: Ways of Writing Poetry at Kildare Readers Festival 2021

I'm delighted to be working with Kildare Readers Festival once again this year. Please join us for States of Flux: Ways of Writing Poetry, an event devised, programmed and hosted by myself, and premiering on Vimeo on 6 October 2021:

In an event deviating from the usual reading and panel discussion format, three contemporary poets give short talks on their writing process.

Join Ellen Dillon, Kit Fryatt and Dimitra Xidous as they each present one of their recent poems and discuss inspirations, raw material and references, drafts and rewrites, practical and publication concerns, its place within their overall work and interests, and other elements framing their compositional decisions. Linked by fresh and innovative approaches to making poetry, and by operating in modes of linguistic, cultural, formal, and other states of flux, these three poets promise to provoke rich cross-commentary towards elucidating and demystifying aspects of contemporary poetic practice.

Devised, programmed and hosted by Christodoulos Makris.

When: Wednesday 6 October @ 8pm
Where: Online Vimeo Premiere
How to Attend: Book via Eventbrite (free)

Ellen Dillon is a poet and teacher from Limerick. Her books and pamphlets include Heave (Smithereens Press, 2018), Sonnets to Malkmus (Sad Press, 2019), Achatina, achatina! (2019, SoundEye Press) and Excavate (Poems after Pasolini) (2020, Oystercatcher Press). Her most recent book, Morsel May Sleep, was published by Sublunary Editions in June 2021. She also edited the Free Poetry Irish Anthology (Free Poetry, 2017) and her essays and reviews have appeared in Jacket 2, Zarf, Golden Handcuffs Review, Hix Eros and the Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry. She teaches English and French in a secondary school in south county Limerick.

Kit Fryatt lectures in English in Dublin City University. His most recent book of poems is Bodyservant (Shearsman, 2018).

Dimitra Xidous is the author of two poetry collections: Keeping Bees (2014, Doire Press) and Μηδέν | Oὐδέν (2020, Doire Press). Her poems and essays have appeared in Tolka, gorse, The Stinging Fly, Room Magazine, The Real Story UK among others. In 2019, she was awarded a Markievicz Bursary for (S)worn State(s), a poetry collaboration with Kimberly Campanello and Annemarie Ní Churreáin. She is an Executive Editor of SPROUT, a new journal of eco-urban-poetry, published in collaboration with The Nature of Cities. A Research Fellow in Trinity College Dublin; her research interests include the relationship between body and memory, and body memory (what the body remembers and re-members); creativity (and creative activity) as craft and mechanism for capturing the lived experience; and, the construction of nature-based narratives and their role in fostering empathy, connection and new ways of being, seeing, and meaning-making in the world. She is a co-founder and Director of EM|Path – a non-profit that prepares the ground for people-centred co-production to support sustainable community development. (M)other, M(other), a poetic text-print collaboration with Irish-based artist and printmaker Ria Czerniak-LeBov is forthcoming from gorse editions.


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